Miscreated Patch 17

Posted on March 28th, 2015 05:29 PM EST

Miscreated patch #17 has been released on Steam.

  • Added in an experimental network DLL with more allocated memory, this will help with some network related issues. 
  • OBS will now work correctly in Game Capture mode - enable Anti-Cheat Compatibility setting to use it. 
  • Set the player's visible range to 300m, and vehicles to 500m. (beyond these ranges you'd need a scope) 
  • You can now move items around in your inventory without getting the weight exceeded message. 
  • You now no longer auto-select an item if it gets picked up directly into a storage item (backpack, etc.) 
  • Increased overall gravity value to match what Crytek uses. 
  • Using sys_spec 1 will now set the antialiasing mode to 1 instead of 0 (0 causes the blue screen flicker). 
  • Player will now unequip the current weapon instead of the old way of trying to just hide it in certain situations. 
  • Optimized view distances for some objects inside of commercial buildings. 
  • Fixed some objects that were clipping through walls.
  • Fixed some spawn locations so less items will spawn inside walls.
  • Updated Main menu, VoIP, chat window, and the action menu to use the new modern look. 
  • Console has been removed to prevent people from abusing it
  • All sounds now quit playing when exiting a server. 
  • The heartbeat sound will no longer play when you are dead. 
  • Most vehicle sounds should now play correctly and be properly attenuated 
  • Tire pop sounds are now properly attenuated
  • You can only kick while standing. 
  • Updated melee punch animations. 
  • Removed head movement during sprint animation with Model 70 rifle. 
  • Changed aimposes so weapons no longer flick to the left/right when changing between first-person and third-person. 
  • Adjusted many more animations so feet will now rotate correctly when moving instead of staying parallel to the ground. 
  • Adjusted some firing animations so sounds won't be cut off at the end of the fire sequence.
  • Optimized all the utility poles to have a lot less polygons. 
  • Adjusted texture colors on some assets that were too bright at night. 
  • Made correct LODs for white fir trees and adjusted their bending values. 
  • Hemlock LODs and materials adjusted.

Source : http://steamcommunity.com/games/299740/announcements/detail/129816839399539772
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